SENTENCES vary according to the intention of the speaker or writer.

A person may compose a sentence in order to make a statement, set forth a command or request, ask a question,

or convey strong feeling.

There are, therefore, four types of sentences:

(a) declarative, (b) imperative, (c) interrogative, and (d) exclamatory. We shall examine these four kinds of sentences, paying particular attention to the word

order of the various types.

In spite of any variations in word-order, every sentence has a framework which fits one of the basic sentence patterns.


A declarative sentence is one which states or asserts a fact. A period is used to close such a sentence. This is, of course, the type of sentence with which we have been primarily concerned thus far.

The word-order of the declarative sentence is usually that which we have used in indicating the basic sentence patterns.

DIRECTIONS: Copy the examples on your own paper, then write an original sentence following the pattern.

Examples: She is reading.

Pattern: Subject-Verb
By the way, remind me-
 [ By the way, remind me- What’s a subject? ] >Also see Bedford Handbook [ 5th ed.] p.728 Parts of Speech
 [ By the way, remind me- What’s a verb? ]

The ball hit the fence.

Pattern: Subject-Verb-Object [ By the way, remind me- What’s an object? ]

He is a teacher.

Pattern: Subject-Linking Verb-Substantive Complement [ By the way, remind me- What’s a noun? ]

Occasionally we have inverted word-order in declarative sentences.

Note that thereinvolves inverted order.

Some other examples of inverted word order are :

Nearby stood a tree.

Below roared the torrent.

Here comes the bride.

Note:  If you have difficulty in determining the subject in a sentence containing inverted word-order, you may use the previously suggested method of forming a question by placing
Who or what before the verb.

Here comes the bride..

Who comes? Bride.

The subject of the verb is bride.

As you probably see, most native English speakers easily understand these basics. The purpose of rudimentary instruction is to strengthen at the basics’ level, in order to empower at more advanced levels later.

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