Tutorpal is new & growing. Input & suggestions are welcomed. Present Day English [ PDE ]
Language is a living thing, continuing to change and evolve due to external and internal influences.

Colonial expansion, especially of North America, technological and scientific advances, and the innate nature of language to constantly change are all factors that have brought us to the complex thing known as English.

This entire site uses American PDE, and the "ESL Basics" section will include a study of clichés, idioms, proverbs, and other expressions.

Many times I’ve had both native speakers and ESL students ask "why" regarding many of the issues of the wonderful, mystical world of English. Perhaps this site will shed new light, especially "Dr. Crafton’s Hot notes." Feel free to post those "why" questions on the bulletin boards; perhaps "Dr. Crafty" will be able to provide occasional direction and/or Becks will do whatever’s possible to find the answer.

Comments/Questions? Visit Becks’ Back Porch.
Or email: becks@tutorpal.com